Wednesday, October 26, 2005

#86 - Sing Along Plug

Last month I wrote a piece on how the telephone can raise your blood pressure with very little effort. I made passing mention of the fact that I've been asked to participate in the Yorba Linda Arts Alliance's second annual Messiah Sing Along, and really didn't think much more about it after I posted it.

Well, apparently someone has been doing WebCrawler searches for the Sing Along, and has surfed to this page looking for it. They wouldn't find it unless they searched through my archived posts, so I've added a link for the Sing Along to my blog roll on the right.

I hadn't realized it before, but there's a photo on the YLAA site that shows yours truly staring intently at his music while performing the tenor solo last year. Can't see my face too well, but the a-frame on which it sits hasn't changed since the concert. Just juxtapose my smirking mug from my profile onto the performance photo, and you get the general idea. Woody at his finest.

If you're in the area on the Sunday following Thanksgiving, feel free to drop by the Nixon Library at 2:00 and listen to (or, better yet, participate in) the Messiah. It's a great way to kick off the holiday.

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